

 丁年青 男,生于1956年2月。1982年2月毕业于上海师范大学外语系英语专业,获文学士学位。1989年3月毕业于美国威斯康星大学,获教育硕士学位。曾长期担任上海中医药大学外语教学中心主任(2016年4月离任)、并作为主要负责人之一参与创建中华中医药学会翻译分会、上海中医药大学“中医外语专业硕士点”及后来的“翻译专业硕士点”。目前仍担任上海中医药大学外语教学中心教授和翻译专业硕士生导师,同时兼任中华中医药学会翻译分会副主任委员兼秘书长、上海高校大学英语教学指导委员会副主任委员、上海翻译专业学位研究生教育指导委员会委员、教育部考试中心“医护英语水平考试专家组”成员。



Brief Introduction of Prof. Ding Nian-qing

 Ding Nian-qing, male, born in February of 1956 graduated from the English Program of the Foreign Languages Dept. of the Shanghai Normal University with a B.A. degree in February of 1982 and graduated from the University of Wisconsin U.S.A. with a Master degree of education in March of 1989. He used to be the dean of the Foreign Languages Teaching Center of the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine for many years (retired from the office in April, 2016). As a one of principals, he participated in founding the Translation Society of China Association of Chinese Medicine, the Master’s Degree Program of TCM English and its later Master’s Program of Translating and Interpreting of the Shanghai University of TCM. Now he still works as a professor and master tutor of MTI in the Foreign Languages Teaching Center of the Shanghai University of TCM. He is also a vice chairman and general secretary of the Translation Society of China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a vice chairman of Shanghai College English Teaching Advisory Committee, a member of Shanghai MTI Teaching Advisory Committee and a member of Medical English Exam Panel of the National Education Examination Authority (NEEA).

 Prof. Ding has long been engaged in college English, medical English (including TCM English) teaching and translation. He gave various classes such as College English, Medical English, TCM English, Practical Translation between English and Chinese, etc. For more than ten years he has directed dozens of graduate students. He has published over 10 textbooks and translation works, such as New Century TCM English Course (Book1 & 2), New Century Medical English Course (Book1 & 2), New World Interactive English (Second Edition), Acupuncture for Musculoskeletal Injury (English Version), etc. And he has published over 30 papers, such as Discussion on the Relationship among Teaching of General English, ESP Teaching and Bilingual Teaching of Colleges, Analysis of 5W1H on ESP course, Translation of Medical English Long sentences, etc. Besides, he has fulfilled more than 20 research projects,such as Probe on Individualized Teaching Mode Based on College English Web Teaching from the Education Ministry of China, The Collections of Laws, Regulations and Documents on Traditional Chinese Medicine (English Version) from the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Probe on Training Mode of Integrated English Application Ability for TCM College students from the Shanghai Education Commission and so on.. His research field is mainly in college English teaching strategies and medical English (and TCM English) practical writing translation.  

 The “Medical English” and “TCM English” he was in charge were respectively awarded as “Excellent Course” of our university in 2008 and “Shanghai Municipal Excellent Course” in 2010. His “Trinity College English Teaching Team” was awarded as “Excellent Teaching Team” of the university in 2013. His research project “TCM University ESP Course System Construction” was awarded Shanghai 11th Education and Research Development Outstanding Achievement Second Prize in 2015. Prof. Ding was “Excellent Graduate Student Tutor” of our university in 2012 and in 2016.