



  1.  2011年9月至2014年6月 华东师范大学 传播学院 文学与传媒专业博士学位;

  2.  1999年9月至2002年6月 福建师范大学 外国语学院 英语语言文学 硕士学位;

 3. 1994年9月至1998年7月 福建师范大学 外国语学院英语语言教育专业 学士学位;


  1.  2011年5月至今            上海中医药大学  外语教学中心      副教授

  2.  2002年7月至 2011年4月  上海应用技术大学 外国语学院   讲师、副教授

 3. 1998年8月至2002年6月  福建师范大学 外国语学院大学外语部  助教


  1.  2006年8月至2007年2月  英国Essex University 国际交流学院 访学;

  2.  2018年9月至2019年6月上海外国语大学国际公共关系与公共事务学院 访学;









  1.  上海中医药大学“三八红旗手”的荣誉称号(2016);

  2.  第二届大学生学术英语词汇竞赛优秀指导奖(2017);

  3.  上海高校大学英语教学优秀教学改革成果二等奖 (2017);

  4.  “上海中医药大学金牌教师”的荣誉称号(2017);

 XU Yonghong, Doctor of Arts, MA supervisor, is an associate professor at Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SHUTCM). Dr. Xu is a standing council member of Shanghai International Studies Association (SISA) and standing council member of Committee of Translation and International Promotion of Traditional Chinese Culture(COTIP).  

 Education Background

 1. School of Communication, East China Normal University (ECNU)  09/2011 - 06/2014

 Major: Literature and Media

 Degree: Doctor of Arts

 2. School of Foreign Languages, Fujian Normal University (FNU) 09/2000 - 06/2002

 Major: English Language and Literature  

 Degree: Master of Arts

 3. School of Foreign Languages, Fujian Normal University (FNU) 09/1994 - 07/1998

 Major: English Education

 Degree: Bachelor of Arts

 Work Experience

 1. 05/2011 - Present: Associate Professor, Foreign Languages Education Center, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SHUTCM)                

 2. 04/2011 - 08/2002: Associate Professor (12/2009-04/2011), Lecturer (08/2002-11/2009), School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Institute of Technology (SIT)

 3. 07/2002 - 07/1998: Teaching Assistant: School of Foreign Languages, Fujian Normal University (FNU)  

Academic Visits

 1. 08/2006–02/ 2007: Visiting Scholar, Institute of International Education, University of Essex, UK.

 2. 09/2018-06/2019: Visiting Scholar, School of International Studies and Public Affairs, Shanghai International studies university, China.

 Research Interests  

 -Language-in-Education Planning

 -Communication Science

 -Translation Studies and Intercultural Communication

 Research Output

 Dr. Xu has published over 20 research papers about English language teaching, literature appreciation, translation studies and the intercultural communication of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in academic journals (including those in Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index, CSSCI) . One of her research papers entitled Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Context of Intercultural Communication has been cited in 2016 Yearbook of Traditional Chinese Medicine of China (Academic Volume). Another scholarly article Content-based Instruction and College English Reform in TCM Universities has been included in the book Study on Teaching Paradigm: from General English to Academic English published by Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press in 2019.

 Dr. Xu has authored a monograph on The Intercultural Communication of TCM --In the perspective of acculturation (2015). Webster’s New World Children’s Dictionary is one of her translation works. She is also the chief-editor or principal writer for some textbooks for Chinese high school and university students such as A Practical Guide to Spoken English and Textbook for Public English Test System (PETS). The most recent textbook is TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) English published by Shanghai Science and Technology Press. Dr. Xu is the principal investigator or co-investigator for over ten research projects including two at the provincial and ministerial level in the past five years. She has been actively participating in promoting the development of foreign language disciplines relevant to TCM and working on the research program TCM English Proficiency Test and the Development of TCM English Corpus funded by the International Cooperation Department of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

 Courses Taught

 Undergraduate Courses

 -College English  

 -Nursing English


 -A Brief Introduction to English-Speaking Countries

 -Listening and Note-taking Skills for TCM

 -English for Academic Purposes

 Graduate Courses

 -English-Chinese Translation

 -Intercultural Communication

 Recent Honors & Awards

  1.  2016: Honorary title of “ Woman Pace-setter of SHUTCM”

  2.  2017: Excellent Instructor Award, the 2nd Academic English Vocabulary Competition

  3.  2017:Second prize, Shanghai Excellent College English Reform

  4.  2017:Honorary title of “Excellent Teacher of SHUTCM”