



中外合作药学二年级雅思英语听说课: 雅思考试口语部分的学习主要提高学生用清晰的逻辑和语言(description)描述事件并陈述自己的观点(statement, )并能在参与学术讨论中能有说服力地表达和支持自己的观点(discussion&argument). 围绕这一教学目标,课程教师布置作业,要求学生2-4人共同收集关于冠状病毒的一则新闻,清楚地阐述新闻的内容,并通过小组讨论的方式呈现自己的观点,发表自己的意见。

Start from a piece of news about COVID-19

Students’ reflection and insights:


    学生作业1. 新冠病毒说明手册:

Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19

What is Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)?

  • Novel Coronavirus Disease or COVID-19, which is caused by the novel coronavirus, is an acute respiratory infectious disease.

  • You may have COVID-19, if you have fever or respiratory illness (coughing, difficult breathing) after travelling to WUHAN or in close contact with someone who is suspected or confirmed as a patient with novel coronavirus.

  • Anyone can get COVID-19, but older patients have higher mortality.

What cause COVID-19?

COVID-19 is caused by cornavirus, whose main transmission route is droplet transmission, plus contact transmission. Cough or sneeze is contaminated with virus. So wearing a medical mask and washing your hands with soap frequently can offer better protection.

What are the symptoms?

If you have covid-19, you may:

Have a fever

Feel fatigue

Have respiratory symptoms, such as dry cough, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing

Have gastrointestinal symptoms, such as loss of appetite;

Covid-19’s initial symptoms are vague and flu-like, such as fever, cough and breathlessness. In the most severe cases, patients develop pneumonia.

How is COVID-19 diagnosed?

If you develop symptoms of COVID-19, contact your doctor. Your doctor may ask you if:

  • You have any recent travels.

  • You've had close contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.

  • You have a fever or respiratory symptoms.

Besides, doctors will offer you a virus test using RT-PCR techniqeu and CT test about your lung to conform whether you are infected by the novel cornavirus.

 学生作业2. 英文病例

Presentation of Case

Presentation of Case: A 48-year-old man with novel coronavirus disease

Dr. Yang C (Medicine) : A 48-year-old man is hospitalized due to novel coronavirus disease.

The patient had been well until 1 week before admission, when fever initially occurred, with a body temperature of 38.5°C, with dry cough and muscle ache. The next day, the patient was no better but rather grew worse after taking some medicine for cold. 5 days before admission, the patient went to a local hospital for consultation in the respiratory department, and the laboratory test reported that the influenza A virus serology was negative. The results of blood routine examination were normal, and he was given Tamiflu orally and was rehydrated.

Three days later, the patient still had dry cough, so he went to the hospital again. It was noted that before the onset of the disease, the patient went to Wuhan on a business trip and a novel coronavirus nucleic acid test was performed and it was negative. At admission, chest X- ray showed increased and thickened right lower lung markings, which suggested bronchitis and possible interstitial pneumonia. Levofloxacin was given drip once for intravenous treatment, and Tamiflu was continued to be taken orally.

On the day of admission, the patient’s symptoms were still not improved, and his body temperature continued to rise to 39.2°C. He was referred to our fever clinic for further evaluation, and a chest computed tomography was performed. Chest CT showed bilateral multifocal ground glass opacities with consolidation which suggested viral pneumonia as a differential diagnosis, and the subsequent 2019-nCoV pneumonia nucleic acid test was positive.

Based on the novel coronavirus pneumonia diagnosis and treatment plan in China, alpha interferon aerosol inhalation with oral abidol was used in this patient. Five days after the initiation of the treatment, the patient has recovered completely, the nucleic acid retest was negative, and chest CT findings resolved.

